
A set of tools to use with i3

These tools are mainly designed for the i3 window manager but works well with other tiling window managers. i3-specific projects will be identified as such.
This is not an official i3wm.org project, just a set of tools developed by i3 users for their favorite window manager.


A plugin-based status line generator

j4status generate a status line to use with bar programs (like i3bar). It is plugin-based to allow anyone to extend it easily.


A minimalistic notification daemon for Linux

It’s designed to fit nicely into minimalistic windowmanagers like dwm, but it should work on any Linux desktop.

Licenced under the terms of the 3-clause BSD License.


A replacement for i3-dmenu-desktop

Its purpose is to find .desktop files and offer you a menu to start an application using dmenu.


A collection of additional plugins for j4status

j4status-plugins adds several plugins to the official set shipped with j4status.


A config generator/switcher for the i3 wm for themes and more

The purpose of this script is to easily set and switch between several sets of configuration options ("themes") for the i3 window manager.

Licenced under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.